Hard water is characterized by its high mineral content, primarily calcium and magnesium ions. The hardness of water is typically measured in grains per gallon (gpg) of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or its equivalent.

Here’s a general classification based on hardness levels:
Soft water 0-1 gpg
Slightly hard water 1-3 gpg
Moderately hard water 3-7 gpg
Hard water 7-10 gpg
Very hard water above 10.5 gpg

Water softeners are used to remove minerals, primarily calcium and magnesium ions, from water.

Here’s why you might need one:

If you have hard water, which contains high levels of calcium and magnesium ions, it can cause several problems. These minerals can build up in pipes, appliances, and fixtures, leading to clogs, reduced water flow, and damage over time.

Hard water can cause scale buildup in appliances like water heaters, dishwashers, and washing machines. This scale can reduce the efficiency of these appliances and shorten their lifespan.

Hard water can leave a residue on your skin and hair, making them feel dry and dull. Using a water softener can help alleviate these issues, leaving your skin and hair feeling softer and smoother.

Hard water can cause stains on sinks, tubs, and fixtures due to mineral deposits. A water softener can prevent these stains and make cleaning easier.

Hard water can react with soap to form a scum or film, reducing its effectiveness. Softening the water can improve the lathering and cleaning ability of soap and detergent.

Overall, installing a water softener can improve the quality of your water, protect your appliances, and make cleaning and personal care more efficient and effective.

Onsite water testing of water hardness is often the best way to determine the need for a water softener. We offer this service at no charge. Just give us a call at (303) 469-7873 or fill out a form to contact us!